Friday, October 9, 2015

all things must change and remain

ok guys! coming atcha live is not one, but TWO (i'm lame, i know) ways to style this really cute slitted skirt i got from a thrift store.

i guess this one's more chill and relaxed-- i'm wearing a uo pink velvet top and thrifted reeboks. hoop earrings are from claire's! why does my posture make me look like i'm dying...

putting on this outfit made me feel more #girlboss, and less #girl crying into her ap world textbook, so that's always nice. i kind of just randomly found both that black top and the really cool pink jacket in my house. 

things keeping me calm: 
eating a gala apple every day
pains by silk rhodes

this photo for some reason: 


From “Light: The Complete Handbook of Lighting Design” (1986)

ok that's all, i love you all, hopefully i'll get to post again next week! <3


  1. love the outfit! good luck with school and all <3


  2. That skirt is such a cool find!!

    xx Alyssa


thank you for reading