Wednesday, October 21, 2015

i don't need friends, they disappoint me

i'm really happy that i took my parent's fela kuti CD, because his songs are incredible (please drag me for "discovering" him in 2015 because i'm literally a child lol, how was i supposed to know he existed). My favorite part in this one starts at 10:00, and it's really nice for walking and thinking too and i guess the jazzy part of it makes you just feel really good. 



Prada Summer 1998

prada campaigns are my favorites
(not mine! i can't find the source rn but i will!)
i've been having a really nice, but really busy experience with my education, but also stresss because i'm feeling a lot of pressure to figure out what i want to do with my life ( I DON"T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO! TeLL mE WHAT TO DO!), and so i've been trying to escape into this really calming, absolute shade of brown-- which is weird bc i'm pretty sure brown is supposed to be like the ugliest color but... this is cute. 

the black mock-neck dress under is f21, the brown netted dress and the reeboks 
are thrifted and the black t-shirt over everything is DIYed. 

the turtleneck and the boots are thrifted; the jacket is my mom's and the jeans are uo

THESE BOOTS??? ARE GR8!! and literally $6, I love it. 

also, i'm just realizing that this outfit makes me look a lil bit like carla shaw from i don't need friends, they disappoint me. (same photo quality too omg twins <3)

i hope you're all having beautiful days <3 (don't forget to tell me what to do with my life!!!)


  1. Just found your blog and love it - had to follow you! Some people don't like brown unless its leather but we think its such a sick neutral colour, especially for makeup and versatility with clothing
    Feel free to check out our latest post x

  2. i'm really feeling that title + the looks too, like honestly you should style drake's music videos (lol im getting carried away here)
    xx cb

  3. It is strange how much I can relate to that title:D

  4. Hi,

    I have came across your site and I am wondering whether you have any advertising available? If so please will you provide me with the pricing and terms for your advertising?

    Hope to hear back from you soon.



  5. Hey! Can I get your email? I have some questions that I feel are better to ask over email!


  6. love this look! not sure if you remember, but you used to follow my old blog back in the day. I've just started a new one if you'd like to take a look ^^

  7. Me, too. Follow us and wiseabove (BTW Im writing for women - the absorbent PROcreators):

    What's your address in the hereafter, dear? Dunno? Mine's 111 Rock-Solid-Ave, Milky Weight, Seventh-Heaven. My mansion? Mama mia. A grandiose, exquisitely detailed, 3-acre-stuccoish home in a cul-de-sac with mountain-bike-trails we may conform with our thots. Why limit Almighty God? Why not fire-ALL-cylinders in one-fell-swoop? My intimacy with women Upstairs? Subtle, fire-engine-zeal: skiing, surfin, sailin, snorklin, sassy and savvy to scarlet symmetry to snuggle and serve... slow, soft, supersonic Sunday School: eXcellent, eXcessive eXaggeration of our lives woven together that's push-button, point-blank improv; a plethora of high-degree, Newtonian-laws-of-physics, where one force of kick-ass, party-hardy, white-water-rawwness equals every, single, evening with guhroovilishous avatars, tender faeries, cereal killers and symbiotic, front-row-seats. Whew. Yes, of course! Baby making is most certainly an option! ...yet, I gotta see how sHe feels about sharing me. My many planets? Gorgeous girls? Gott'm. Gotta lotta'm. Gotta gobba IQ, too, withe K2 orchestra only accessable to adolescents: TOTALLY YOURS!!! How??? Gotta accept Jesus, missy!! So, let's accelerate to the Maximum POW!er; let U.S. 'populate' the universe with loyalty to the Bright Son. Wanna join me in God's wild Kingdome?? Chop, chop, dear. Time's running out for us. PS: Time, as an entity, is also mortal: while thar aint no time in Seventh-Heaven, doll... yet, puh-lenty of time to love due to the superior-supply-of-summer...

    ...cuzz the only other realm aint too cool: sweltering, cramped and Fugly rotten; BeavisNbutthead sawing-off your cranium with a chainsaw; nasty darkness, eternal starvation, Satan lies like a Persian rug; o'er-the-Hillary profusely cakkkling for eternity. How purrrecious! sez Gollum. 'Nuff sed. Decide NOW. Make Your Choice -SAW
    -blessed b9


thank you for reading