(odonata via)
i became really obsessed with the endless valleys and plains outside the window, and the general color combination this reminds me of: a faded yellow, brown, and baby blue. the horizontal intersection of a warm sunset with a valley full of flowers.
or a few days ago when i was sitting on the floor of my room (as a hopeless teen does) and the light was streaming in and bathing the entire place in an orange as deep as the california fruit. i tried to get a picture, but my phone just whitewashed the entire scene. it either mean that i need to learn to appreciate the ephemeral when i can, or that i need an actual camera.

- the scene in papillon where elsa looks at a mountain scene and says that it looks like it's part of a scenery calendar, and the grandpa replies that it's better than a calendar.
- it might not be possible to get the same effect from looking at nature pics online bc there's an underlying tone that it's not real until you live it and see it w your own eyes (and even then its being filtered and interpreted).
- the part in dandelion wine where thomas realizes that he's alive and the whole world seems to be exploding before him
- sometimes the entire world is so vivid and loud and overwhelming it's hard to believe that you're a real part of it all.
(my dream french home from an old school project via)
there's also the feeling of getting lost, mostly the way its expressed in picnic at hanging rock. the unavoidable mountain faces, the daze of the heat, the physical manifestation of a deep internal confusion.


the (metropolitan) yellow sweater , white (elle) sandals and the brown (villager) purse are thrifted, (bdg) mom jeans are uo
thank you! what are you guys feeling right now?