i kind of just found the pink and yellow sweater in my closet / i made the white culottes / and the really cute delicious-smelling hello kitty candy bracelet that somehow matches the sweater (!) was a favor from a friend's birthday party.

i've been really loving the warm sunset tones of peaches and nectarines and all those stone fruits. i read this thing about how the most beautiful color schemes are the ones found in nature and i got weirdly excited about it. i think that (and drake) has been my main point of inspiration lately.

i'm also thinking a lot about the vma's last night-- namely mtv's obsession with female "beef." the use of that word feels like they are so determined to reinforce the "angry black woman" trope through nicki minaj that they would posit a rightful criticism about anti-blackness in the music industry (one that continues to reward white people for the colonization of black culture) as a needless display of anger. it trivializes a valid discussion that needs to be had and makes it out to be a catfight i guess.

it makes nicki seem petty and makes miley look like the innocent victim and before you know it, we're discussing her feelings instead of the very real issues facing black creatives. we're reducingas a 14 year old black girl who's trying to create a space for herself in the world, it makes me uncomfortable that the idea of nicki standing up for herself or other black women could easily be ignored because she's not being as polite as possible in the face of ignorance or hatred.
i just finished that candy bracelet, and this post is over. it's so meta <33
i just finished that candy bracelet, and this post is over. it's so meta <33
peaches (claude monet) / the great barrier reef (allan power) / by victor higgins