I have no idea how to spell that word, but I just don't care-which brings me to my next TEEN THING: indifference - being chillllllllllllllllllllllll -writing in all lower case, keeping your feet up. FEET! CHANGES IN YOUR BODY! TEEN THINGS! ANGST! wOw.
I guess also as a TEEN, i should get into being LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS and re sp on ding in mo no syll a bles! If you disagree with that statement or tell me to "get off your lawn" ???? - then all I have to say to you is: THAT'S SO UNFAIR or maybe WHATEVER DUDE, YOU'RE TOTALLY BUGGING. Also umm, like, totally radical man!
When I was a kid (those were the days) in addition to thinking that my thirteenth birthday would be like christmas morning with more acne (I'll give you a hint- only half of that actually happened), I kind of expected that on the morning of my 13th birthday all of my wildest dreams would come true and I would be unexpectedly wise and have sage advice to offer everyone and be insanely daring in a very 'do i look like i care' way- like a combination of Bob Dylan and Iris Apfel. But I kind of ended up more like Yoda: I'm mostly wise but I can't really form coherent sentences 100% of the time and I also feel a strange compulsion to wrap my self in a green shawl.


spot the difference!
(That might be too easy since the picture of me was shot on a canon eos rebel t3)
my barfday outfit existed in different stages to be worn throughout the day (as in from work 2 da club), so I'll just go through them one by one.

i wore this outfit to school even though i found it kind of boring because
. i didn't feel like being asked what i was wearing on the day of my INDUCTION INTO TEENHOOD
. i could live the *best of both worlds* and be "normal" at school while maintaining my inner pizzazz.(I'm kidding- or should I say, teening.)

i wore this outfit to school even though i found it kind of boring because
. i didn't feel like being asked what i was wearing on the day of my INDUCTION INTO TEENHOOD
. i could live the *best of both worlds* and be "normal" at school while maintaining my inner pizzazz.(I'm kidding- or should I say, teening.)

when i realized that i wasn't wearing enough pink
wow sass and angst in one pic (that's what the TEENS call pictures)- so stereotypical hahaha.

I also felt the need to carry around princess-related accessories even though the only princess-y thing that happened was my math teacher looking at me and saying- "Wow she really likes headbands"
collared shirt : thrifted
pink top : UO
black dress : thrifted
grey tights: UO
green jacket (around waist) : thrifted
green jacket (around waist) : thrifted
black coat (worn inside out) : childhood
headband : DIY
tiara : Target
Pom Poms : Dollar Store
Candy Hearts : Dollar Store
princess purse : childhood
Apparently other thing teens do is destroy quaint seaside towns, in between acting sooooo akward (as if i haven't done that already), be covered in (Greek) yogurt by the popular kidz and remove my glasses to become ~beautiful~ @ prom (aka biggest nite of my lyfe if u didn't already know), so I'm going to go do all that. If there's any TEENS reading this blog that would like to share any nuggets of TEEN WISDOM- feel free to do so (I was going to include a joke about chicken nuggets, but I'm just too tired from spending hours hunched over a good text message)
(That stood for talk to you lates besties- don't worry if you didn't get it- not everyone is as TEK SAVVY a teen as I)
(actually, maybe I won't talk to you guys later, I mean I'm already THIRTEEN- so I've basically got one foot in the grave already)
Late Happy Birthday! Yeah I too thought teenagerdom meant being wise and cool and meant my life would become a John Hughes film. Unfortunately I'm still working on all of those things (particularly the 80s film thing I mean come on how awesome?). BUT WELCOME - we have angst, issues and it's fab. In love with your crown and jacket <3
Happy belated boyfriend. If only being a teenager meant you could be Andy from Pretty and Pink and hang out in gangs with boys with nice hair, cars, and leather jackets who may seem mean but are softer than marshmallow peeps on the inside. *Best Coast Our Deal music video vibes* No boys to climb through your window and read you poetry while The Smiths plays in the background... oh well its okay :/. Love alll these outfits you wore! Comme des Garcon is EVERYTHING. I'm in love with second outfit, the black and white jacket, and your pink accessories. And you owe me about 5-ish dollars for your use of teen. I want to go buy an eggcream with the boys before they go drag-racing tonight. lol
ReplyDeletelmao not happy belated boyfriend i mean *birthday im sorry xD
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ReplyDeleteWELCOME to the holy and wonderful life of the teenager ~ eat lots of junk food but not too much and DO all the fun things but not the things that will get you in juvenile detention (even if you watch OITNB.) I'm 17 so I'm def an expert on life now ^^ Actually tho your blog is beautiful!
ReplyDelete(this narcissist forgot to copy a link to her blog last time)
Welcome to teenagedom! Love the crown!
ReplyDelete- cloneconcept.blogspot.com
haha I loved this post, it made me laugh! Your writing style is great and your clothes are on point. Happy belated birthday!
ReplyDeleteLovely post!xx
ReplyDeleteKeep in touch xoxo
Antonella ☀
awesome top! <3