by julien rodet

i was thinking about how cool the red made everything look in this post, and then i remembered that a while ago, i started putting together a red inspiration post, but never posted it. this also made me realize that i own barely any red clothing and this is kind of weird to me, because i really associate that color with power and conversely, vulnerability- and i feel like i need that color in my closet in order to feel secure or something: a red shirt, or skirt, or pair of shorts, whatever.

to solve this problem, i'm looking at this incredibly cool red turtleneck dress from asos.

(this post is titled as such because i lOvEddd taylor swift's Red album, and thought it was a really cool, beautiful act of assertiveness and exploration.)

the velvet underground via
for practical reasons, i guess it makes sense: red kind of upstages everything else you're wearing and doesn't fade into the background or complement what you're wearing like some other colors. but that's kind of what makes it so attractive, it's like a declaration of power, a monopoly over the complexity of your self, without even opening your mouth.

hidden by hrabina von Tup Tup
what does it mean to wear red lipstick? my experiences with it as a woman of color are just a means of protest against the "your skin is too dark for that" or just plain old "the idea of you finding power in your beauty takes power away from me and that's too far" body-policing. sometimes when i need to psych myself up for something, i just put on a ton of makeup (red lipstick is the color of choice), look at myself in the mirror a bit, and then wipe it off and do the thing.

rihanna via

jane wealleans
are you guys into thinking about colors? what does red mean to you, or what other colors make you feel the same way?
thank you!
Red is love and fire and blood. It's everything. The core of us. I have typical associations I guess but they're still kinda... powerful and cool.
ReplyDelete✿ Lil ✿
The top pictures with that red light look amazing, so light and dark, with the feeling of something underneath it all at the same time. :) xoxo