I hope all of you guys are having (or already had) a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate it and a fun holiday if you don't.
Winter break has been one giant blob of fun and relaxation but I'm a little bit afraid that if I don't prioritize, I'll probably end up in front of the computer, descending into an internet hole of articles about Yeezus and old blog posts and toys from the 1950s and will accomplish nothing.
In other news, when I woke up this morning, this was outside my window.

"I'm not sure how to feel about this snow s
o let's make a pros and cons list!", she said as enthusiastically as an evil middle school English teacher who's preferred form of torture is never-ending pros and cons lists.
-yay! snow (my inner child/actual child enjoys the concept of snow for some strange, seemingly nonexistent reason)
- the snow isn't enough to need to shovel or do any *shudders* manual labor.
-the snow isn't enough to actually do snow related activities (snowman building, snow angel making, snowball fights etc.) I've never actually done any of those things because, you know, ~physical activity~, but they sound interesting enough.
- Its about 10 degrees (F) right now and even though I'm a Chicago baby, I have an extremely low tolerance for cold which means that I probably won't be able to wear anything that's not three layers of pants and thermal wear if I have to spend a minute outside.
Anywho, this is what I was planning to wear before motha nature got in the way.
look! How festive: my face is a snowflake and it's magically snowing inside!
I planned to accessorize with this lovely holographic clutch thing (which actually an old pencil bag). Yay for DIYs that require no effort whatsoever!
As the coolest fashion blogger in da land, I'm going to let you in on a little secret:
food modeling.
It's one of the latest hottest trendz in the modeling industry; Marc Jacobs, Karl Lagerfeld, Alexander Wang: pay close attention.
In order to truly model with food, you have to follow my five steps to success:
1. Eat food
2. Breathe food
3. Love food
4. Think food
5. BE food.
For this photo-shoot, I've chosen to model with the gift basket of goodies my uncle sent yesterday, which I've already half devoured because 1. EAT food. Since it's the season of giving, I'm going to give the gift of early access to the photo shoot, before it's released to Vogue, Elle, Glamour etc.
(Wow, my fingers look disgustingly abnormal here but whatever.)
Happy holla dayz!
velvet dress: yard sale; red shirt: thrifted; necklace: gifted; tinsel headpiece: DIY; pencil bag (worn as clutch): childhood.
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