Recently I've been experimenting with different mediums. This collage was made on MS Paint using photos from Tumblr, a Jenny Holzer quote, and screenshots from Submarine- which I was watching while working.
Submarine was beautifully written and directed and was almost an endless stream of lovely sea-side shots and Alex Turner's voice. It's one of those films that are kind of like Wes Anderson movies because they have a self-defined genre (does that make any sense at all?) I just mean the films are so original that they don't really fall under any pre-existing set of film standards, they just create their own. guhh I'm sorry- words are very confusing. But the movie is rated R (for sexual stuff and profanity) so keep that in mind .

screencaps from my tumblr when I thought it nicely represented my thoughts/vibes.
dark green
Blue is the Warmest Color
overrun gardens
King Krule
Picasso's blue period
Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division
I did these designs a few days ago; hopefully I'll be able to take a fashion class next year and these designs will end up somewhere other than the back of m
y closet. I'm extremely confident that I'm going to look back on this in a week and want to destroy it anyway so..? I feel a little weird because the designs are a little too simple for clothes I could actually see myself wearing, but maybe it's because I was drawing with the fact that I have no sewing experience on my mind.
y closet. I'm extremely confident that I'm going to look back on this in a week and want to destroy it anyway so..? I feel a little weird because the designs are a little too simple for clothes I could actually see myself wearing, but maybe it's because I was drawing with the fact that I have no sewing experience on my mind.
gif of my thoughts throughout the designing process
Journal page feat. badly-drawn little collage-comic
blue sketches
I'm not really sure if I like any of my art/writing or if I'm just disillusioned that it's good until I create something better- at which point I'll realize how terrible it is. Maybe that's just a sign that my art is slowly getting better- which is good.
I don't know, what do you think? Do you have any advice for artist's block or whatever it's called when you hate everything you make?
Your journal pages are beyond amazing! I love the comic especially, but everything is amazing. I am also so intrigued by the MS collage, the turnout is so rad. I haven't used MS in a while hmm.. Those designs are amazing too. Ahhh, you're just so cool. omg.
Thank you so much, I just rediscovered MS paint after not using for 6 years? I'm shocked by how many amazing features there are on something so simple. Gahh thank you so much I can't believe you're calling me cool- you are so cool oh my gosh!
yummmm this blog post is so aesthetically pleasing! I love Submarine and I know what you mean. I love your journal page. I would say for artists block that you could use your self awareness of the fact that you're struggling or have a block to to create. Even if the result isn't permanent and you throw it away, I've found it kind of helps when I write that I can't write or make a collage about being uninspired?
ReplyDeleteHope this helps
Thank you! I really like the idea of making art out of being uninspired, I think I'll try that next time.
Submarine is such a great film!^^ I'm glad you love it too!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Submarine was great- I just want to watch it a million times again.
I love all your screen caps and the artwork you created is so beautiful. I really want to wear those designs you made ! When i first watched Submarine i hated it ( i think i had something to do with me watching another great movie called Heathers beforehand which put me in some weird hate-all-teens-mood...) but i feel like i should give it another chance since i love Richard Ayoade and Alex Turner. Great Post/Inspiration. They have been swimming in my head for a few days. And i agree with Aida's lack of inspiration remedy! xx
Oops this is my sisters old account i answered on.. im such a derp...
DeleteThank you so much! Heathers is actualy next on my to-watch list because it seems really interesting.