i wanted to do a post about the aw14 couture stuff and i noticed something really big which i'm gonna refer to as the "silk nightie all nightie" (because i'm bad at naming things) and it's basically an image of a great-gatsby type of complete luxury with a 20s socialite rolling out of bed and descending like, a grand spiral staircase in a floor length silk nightgown and this giant fur coat; it's supposed to be "causal" and home-y or whatever but in reality it's ridiculously expensive.
basically it's "i woke up like this"for couture lounge-wear because it doubles as sleepwear. alexandre vauthier
alexis mabille
giambattista valli
jean paul gaultier
maison martin margiela
ralph & russo
ulayna sergeenko
viktor and rolf
this is one of the really good examples of this because it's basically like a bath towel (that probably sounded dumb but bear with me,) but it's so glamorous (wow i sound ridiculous i'm sorry) . vionnet:
ziad ghanem:
i really love it all for being so flowy and lavish and i feel like it's a cool concept. so what do you guys think of the whole idea, would you ever wear them? i don't know how well they'd translate to the IRL world but i need your opinions so i can decide whether or not to wear one everyday for the rest of my life honestly.
lately i've been thinking a lot about hair and how we perenially fuss and freak out over it (all those bad haircuts of middle school i'm looking at u; haha @ me saying "of middle school" as if i'm not *tragically* still in middle school and inherently in the midst of a bad haircut stage as i type this!) but it's just intersting how hair means so much to people in self-expression / self discovery, good hair days and their effect on both you and the whole world, how we give seemingly non-existent meaning to haircuts and of course: to shave the head or not to shave the head(little known fact: shakespeare was misquoted for hundreds of years on this), or maybe it was to dye an unnatural color or not to dye an unnatural color? to trim the bangs or not to trim the bangs???????
as a feminist i can't go over this without recognizing that i see hundreds of ads reminding women that (like everything else about them) "THEIR HAIR IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH AND WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH TO IMPRESS THAT GUY 1!1!1 unless of course they buy this beauty product now at a drugstore near you! (reclaimed sense of self-esteem not included)" and i'm not even gonna go deeper into the concept of telling women what to do with their hair because it's such a pervasive part of society, so i have to include that i'm not trying to glorify having hair that looks any particular way bc all hair is beautiful and having no hair is beautiful, and also you are beautiful n cool. <3<3<3
anyway this is just some cool stuff that i've been looking at in terms of haircuts even though i think i mentioned it before but i reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (hi mom) want to shave my hair off, because i'm lo-maintenance (read: lazy) and i think it'd look cool.
/funky knots:
[ clockwise from top right: ]
details at Issey Missake AW 2011 // Sharnee Gates by Romaine Duquesne // Lieve Dannau for i-D Spring 2012 by Nick Dorey
[ from top: ] Baby Blue by Miriam Marlene Waldner // 7A via
/"the drama-rama cut"
[ clockwise from top right: ] Blending In by Ben Zank // by Emily Theobald via // if you leave by kchangi on flickr
/the short:
[ right to left:]
Antonina Vasylchenko via // Pink Again by Savannah Van der Niet
/and the long:
[ right to left: ]
by Laurence Philomene // Mona by Rosie Florence Mackay
[ clockwise from top right: ] via // Charlotte Carey by Emily Weiss in Tulum, Mexico for Into the Gloss // The Doom Generation (1993) // via
[ clockwise from top: ] Class of 1998 by Anuschka Blommers & Neils Schumm for Self Service magazine #8 // shots from american apparel sydney casting via // (3) model @ marc jacobs fw 2014
/ *whoosh*:
[ clockwise from top right: ]
Style No. 47. Hannah by David Sims, heads: hair by Guido // (2) via // (3) via
this photo looks like it could possibly be trying to invoke some "90s grunge nostalgia" à la My So Called Life but is also v sophisticated-ish in a way.
note 2 self: eggs are an important accessory (obviously) but not as important as gold eyebrows
I'm seriously considering buying a pair of $5 harem pants from my school's dance department but I'm not sure if they would make me give me enough of a bieber-esque level of $$wag to justify the purchase or if that's too much to ask of from a pair of pants.
(important: I google image searched for 'justin bieber harem pants' to find a visual aid for this but there's literally TOO MANY OPTIONS. see for yourself and tell me in the comments section which one had the most emotional impact on you; you know, the kind you'll tell your kid/therapist about 30 years in the future. )
but about the clothes: i really like the minimal futuristic look and especially the way they used a white backdrop for lack of contrast (is that a thing?) where all the white morphs together into a glare of light.
this reminds me a lot of
a. the styling from Saint Laurent Fall 2013: skinny jeans and leather and floral and cool girl ~angst~ :
b. Amelia n YowaYowa's levitation photos and a style of photography that i really like.
i don't like using words like "pop of color" because they make me feel like an uncomfortable fashun blogger (haha) but like: pop of color! i really like the look of the holographix and the bright pink against the grayness of the rest of the outfit.
"lack of contrast" again. this is my favorite photo mostly because it just looks really simple but impossibly cool.
. outfit
*close up of the necklace/sweater which is kind-of-sort-of ribbed*
this outfit started out inspired by the pictures but then ended up being something completely different.
i really wanted to include the fuzzy red sweater in the outfit someway but when i tried wearing it like it's meant to be worn (or whatever) the length looked really wonky over the other stuff because it's kind of short (as seen here), so then i folded it in half and wore it almost inside-out (it's hard to explain the process in words, but the part that looks like a collar is really the bottom of the sweater) like some sort of tailored coat and pretended to look cool.
i also wore this necklace i got from the thrift store near my house. the other side has a really cool blue design on it that i'll probably show in another post but i wore the exposed copper side facing up because again: i like pretending to look cool.
white sweater \H&M
floral dress (worn as shirt) \ thrifted
pants \H&M
red sweater \yard sale
necklace (worn backwards) \thrifted
holographic sandals \thrifted
what do you guys think: what's your favorite look from the collection and what did you think of the outfit, i need your validation opinions.
i've been in and out of the draft stages of a post re: thoughts on sadness and anger and death and goodbyes and how badly things have been going in the past days/weeks/months/year a ridiculous amount of times and i've finally decided that the actual important thing i've been trying to get out is a rest in peace to everyone who's passed. i feel like i don't have anything particularly new to say (even though everything is so important) but i am very angry and confused and tired.
also: this is a link to a memorial fund for michael brown (which is confirmed to be run by the Brown family) - even though i would assume most of you are teenage girls but i really think it should be out there.
i did actually write a post on robin williams but it was confused and confusing:
--- i'm writing this post finishing a recovery from a migraine and thinking about death and how futile but radically important it is to say "goodbye" and robin williams and lauren bacall and crying and not crying and how i've been thinking ever since i was young(er) that your embarassingly fragile body should never be the only thing that protects the soul that belongs not only to you, but to everyone who knew you (and how stupid that sounded but i said it anyway) and how strange it is feeling like the loss of someone i never really met is like the loss of something inside me. and that people who seem to be made of nothing but love and happiness that they give so willingly to others could be so sad inside but i've also been thinking about how everything i really love is a reflection of some part of my self so it's obvious that robin williams' words and kindness and everything beautiful about him probably played some part in my personal development that i'm forever grateful for. eta: and this quote from robin williams which changes not much, but perspective: “I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.” no matter how sad i am that robin williams is gone- someone who always seemed like one of the world's perpetual-big-brother or something, felt like it was all too much to live with; i'm even happier that he lived, that he gave something to the world in the genie and mrs.doubtfire and now i'm kind of too sad to talk some more so i'll link to anOther magazine's "Robin Williams: in his own words" rest in peace. (goodbye genie) -=-
hello hello! *air-kisses* (imagine me saying that like a wealthy socialite because i'm typing it feeling like a wealthy socialite partly because i'm wearing giant sunglasses indoors and eating fruit out of a champagne glass- but mostly because i'm A-list on the Kim Kardashian game)
i've decided that instead of going through the somewhat-weekly anxiety of stressing about what to blog about- i'm just gonna do weekly roundups where i go over my vibes and music etc (in addition to any posts about ~important~ stuff). and hopefully this helps me get into a better blogging schedule for the future.
/ music
: unfinished and muted and beautiful
: new-wave disco jamz n smart lyrics that sound like they're being breathed rather than sung
: sublime
I've been listening to these three songs on repeat for the past week-ish (which is really convenient considering they're pretty close to one another in the "B" section of my iTunes library) and they put me in a very specific "blu" aesthetic that's kind of similar to right after i watched submarine.
but basically the idea is: walking through a rainy sea-side suburb of london while the sun rises and telephone wires hang precariously
the sky in my neighborhood a few days ago.
/ outfit
*note the very clean shoes which are a tell-tale sign of a professional fashion blogger*
sport goth or whatever. i'm sure one day in the not-so-distant future, i'll regret wearing a tutu over sweatpants, but not right now.
shirt \yard sale
tutu \ childhood
sweatpants \unknown
bracelet (worn on ankle) \childhood
boots \unknown (but the reason i don't wear the super cool steel-toed boots anymore is because they were tragically stolen/lost)
/ work
old GIF-ed paper collage from my journal i guess inspired by a search for personal identity in a vast ocean of uncertainty; and the sensation of drowning in said ocean aka: being terrified but also feeling a breathtaking calm (deep?) (like the ocean) (yah- i went there)
this looks kind of like the inside of a swimming pool and i really like the reflections of the clouds and the shape and shadows and i'd love to know where/what it is. when i checked the similar images on google- all i got were basically pictures of fleshed out bathrooms which was both calming and uncomfortable:
/ cool thang
Maggie from Futile Ramblings wrote some crazy insightful stuff about how time "exponentially decreases into infinity" and it was mind-blowing (further proving that teenage girls are incredibly complex and intelligent).
/ crushin hard
You could argue that Giambattista Valli Fall Couture 2014 is what inspired my outfit but I took those photos in March/April and the show was in July so I'm forced to "imply" that the collection stole my style (I'M KIDDING).
But anyway- I really love the looks in this show: it's like feminine and elegant but lazy - someone who rolled out of their pajamas to go to a wedding with enormous dyed feather skirts, and silhouettes from the 50s.